Café Na půl cesty
If you visit Café Na Půl Cesty, where you can hear interesting unsigned bands and more during their open mic nights, then by your mere presence you are participating in a project of social rehabilitation. Café Na Půl Cesty is located in a park in Pankrác in a detached one-story brick building and is run by the Green Doors NGO. Green Doors integrates people with short-term cases of schizophrenia back into ordinary life. One way to do this is to employ them as servers in one of the Green Doors' “training enterprises”, whether it is the vegetarian restaurant Mlsná kavka, Klub V. kolona or the Café Na Půl Cesty. Café Na Půl Cesty is a cafe with an informal, friendly vibe, good music, a wide selection of inexpensive drinks and snacks and a spacious terrace on which you can sit during the warmer months and chat with your friends or observe the park greenery. All of this is combined with a feeling that you are supporting a meaningful project. It might be just this combination that motivates bands and artists to keep coming to Café Na Půl Cesty and perform for free. Explore the hidden treasures of Czech underground music and enjoy the unique vibe in this thoughtful cafe.
Centralni Park Pankrac (between Milevska and Pujmanove Streets) Praha 4, +420 777 913 053,